5 Tips to Prepare for your Virtual Tour…from a tech.

September 5, 2017 Chris No comments exist

I’ve done nearly 100 virtual tours as a photo tech using a Matterport camera and I can tell you that it is and isn’t the same as a standard photo shoot for your property.  Having photos taken to sell your property is a very smart thing to do.  Most people want to see what it is they are buying and if you want them to pay one-hundred grand, five-hundred grand or even a million plus on your house they definitely want to see what they are buying. Virtual tours are a great way to get your property in front of a prospective buyer and show them what you have to offer with the added convenience of not actually having them show up knocking on your door.  

However, with virtual tours you need to prepare your property for your photographer as if you’re going to have a open house for 20 or more strangers. Presentation is everything and with that in mind here are 5 tips to prepare for your virtual tour.


1. Check the Lights.

I’m going to start with the biggest one and the easiest for the owner to overlook.  All photography is based on lighting and having poor lighting can make it difficult for your viewers to make out what they are looking at.  Even with sunlight coming through the windows having a bulb out on a chandelier or in the bathroom can really take away from the presentation. I really don’t want to be liable for accidental damages for switching out light bulbs. It’s best if the homeowner does a quick check before someone comes through to do the virtual tour.


2. Check for personal items.

Each placement of the camera is a 360 degree scan that will pick up most everything in HD. Remember, the virtual tour is to help cut down on the number of open houses required to sell your house and it does a very good job at that. Hiding personal items once such as family photos for a couple of hours is much easier to do than remembering each time you have an open house.


3. Clean the windows.

Dirty windows can also hurt a presentation. Clean windows can have a significant effect on making a home look clean and well-cared for, and they also have a huge impact on photography. Dirty windows show up in still pictures, and they will certainly show up on a whole-house scan.  Not to mention they let the light in which helps with the first item on this list.


4. Eliminate accessories.

Remove garbage cans, pet-related items, refrigerator magnets, hide shoes, etc. Small items can add up and keeping your home clear of extras can help create a more clean presentation.  


5. Make a hole, make it wide; completely declutter.

Did I mention that presentation is everything?  Removing clutter helps show off each room to it’s fullest. The last thing you want to have your viewer thinking when going through your virtual tour is if the clutter is hiding something.

This doesn’t just apply to home up for sale.  Businesses that have virtual tours need to have a clean presentation. Even construction sites need to have some orderly presentation, if not just to allow the photographer to do the shoot safely.

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